Eco Concepts

The garments are made in collaboration with Eco Concepts AS, whose mission is to provide sustainable, ethical and high quality designs at the same time as creating environmental awareness. Astrid has developed the collection together with the design and production team at Eco Concepts, choosing some of the best options available for producing clothes with less negative impact on the environment.

Read more at Eco Concepts

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United Nations

Astrid’s collection is the first artist merchandise recognized through the United Nations initiative Climate Neutral Now. If purchasing one of the garments from the collection, you will effectively help reduce 100 kilos of CO2, by supporting a closely selected wind farm project in Vietnam. The project is verified by the United Nations for replacing coal and oil with renewable energy and provides better opportunities for the local population.

Read about the wind farm project here


Certificate of recognition



The wind farm project is carefully selected and is being supported by CHOOOSE, a company that exists to help individuals and organizations address their unavoidable climate footprint, and creating solutions for global CO2 reduction available to everyone. 

Read about CHOOOSE and Astrid S here